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After receiving my first cash out of 11.69 cents, I immediately requested a second cash out of all the money I had "earned" while blogging away, waiting for the first cash out to arrive. I ended up requesting a cash out of 63.65! Not bad!

According the cash out date calculator, I should have been paid on July 7th. That was 3 days ago. I am a little nervous, as is my nature, but was almost two weeks late last time, so I will give them the benefit of the doubt...for now.





Did you find this helpful? If you did and are going to become a member, I ask that you please follow this link and use my username as a referral. Thanks alot for reading!


The Answer


Throughout this experiment I have read many different testimonials about Many, like those put out by themselves, seemed too good to be true. Stories of users who had invested hundreds of dollars and seen a near instant turnaround resulting in thousands of dollars in profit. Some of the testimonials were profanity laced ranks, many of which can be found in the comments section of this very site, and describe as a company out to take your money and stab you in the back.

Rarely would I find a testimonial that lay somewhere in between those two extremes. I hope that this blog will serve to fill that gap.

A quick recap: I signed on to on December 14th 2007. The next day I had purchased 15 unrefered members for about 16 dollars. By Dec 28th I had crossed the 10 dollar threshold and requested a cash out of my account.

Then we played the waiting game. waits 60 business days before paying it's standard members so I was not due to be paid until March 27th 2008. We had a lot of time to kill.

By the time March 27th rolled around, anticipation was at a fever pitch, would I get paid? Was a scam? The 27th came and went. No money. I became restless. As the days went by, I began to make bolder and bolder statements regarding and in turn, supporters became increasingly more defensive. Hell broke loose.

Two weeks after the 60 business day payment deadline, I decided that I would have to make a judgment call at some point, a hard line answer to the title question: Is a Scam? Yes or No.

I set a deadline at May 4th but that deadline became obsolete almost as soon as I had created it.

I got paid.

I want to be able to stand on my little virtual soapox and yell, "It works! It works! It really works!" but I hesitate. Maybe it's all of the animosity and distrust so many people seem to have for Maybe it is the rudeness and childishness that I've been met with by's forum administrators. Maybe it's the way's terms of service change without public notice and include clauses that allow them to disable user accounts without warning or reason.

For all of the above reasons I have to say that while I have been paid by I still do not really trust them. However, whether or not I personally trust isn't really the issue is it?

Q: Is a Scam?

A: No, they really do pay, just so late that people get a little crazy.

Did you find this helpful? If you did and are going to become a member, I ask that you please follow this link and use my username as a referral. Thanks alot for reading!

labele:The answer

Hard deadline announced. May 4th.


Just to give you guys a heads up: I am taking off to Japan for about a month and a half on May 4. I won't be able to post from then on so that date will be the absolute end date for this experiment.

MAY 4th the experiment ends. On May 4th, you will get up and check this site and I will make a big bold statement about my conclusions. Obviously whether or not I get paid between now and then will have a lot to do with what will be said.

Also, just incase anyone was wondering, I still have not been paid, and my support ticket has still gone unanswered. There have been some reports of Alertpay being responsible for the hold on being paid, anyone have any ideas as what might be holding up a response from support?


labels: the deadline cometh

Saturday, April 5, 2008

2 notable comments of late


(April 4, 2008 6:30 AM) Alex writes, isn't a scam you dumbass author. The reason why payments are taking so damn long is because Alertpay are too damn incompetent to send funds to other Alertpay members. Do some research before you bash a company that has been paying their members as promised. I've received 3 payments so far from, the first two happened during the beginning of when Paypal wasn't being a bitch and Alertpay were actually doing their job. Now, Alertpay have their thumbs shoved up their ass and we just have to wait until they fix their problems so can quicken up the process. If you are going to claim a site is fraud, why don't you do some research first rather than share your experience about a stupid money processing site going downhill while is actually doing what they do best.

Fucking idiot.

Obviously my comment is going to get deleted but at least the author of this blog received his lesson of the day and hopefully he follows it.

Good day.

- Alex

P.S = And by the way, I don't work for for those critics who think is sending people here to comment. You all are just impatient dipshits that have nothing better to do while you are waiting to get paid. Here's some suggestions asswipes: Go find a girl, read books, play video games, be social with friends, etc. It's not that hard. We only live around 48,000 days (average man's lifetime) so go out there and do something while you wait.


Tuesday, April 1, 2008

New Poll


I've added a new poll, check it out on the sidebar. And in case you're wondering, I still have not been paid, and there still has been no response from support.

Its kind of weird to be in this situation. Here I am about to reveal the truth about a company that is either A) illegally fraudulent, or B) just grossly incompetent. At this point it almost doesn't matter if is a scam or not, because you simply cannot expect a smooth experience from dealing with them.

Even if they do pay (which is increasingly unlikely as every minute passes) I cannot in ANYWAY recommend them as a genuine stream to make money.


Also what kind of a domain is .to anyway? You reek of scam.


Friday, March 28, 2008

Still no money.


And the beat goes on... Still no money from and no response to the support ticket I wrote LAST WEEK. This is just sad.

Interestingly, I tried a few whois searches on and while I havn't got anyone's name just yet I did discover that the most people who visit the site are from Chile.

That got me wondering, how many of you are from Chile?


Day 85 Referral Activity


If you've been following this experiment you may have noticed a pattern in the referral activity. When refs first sign up they are super active, clicking as much as they can everyday, but then, after a few months, they seem to barely click at all. This pattern certainly holds true for my clicking as well.

Big thanks to the two big clickers, I hope you remain as enthused for as long as possible. Also I have acquired two new refs! Thanks for signing up, I've sent you each a welcome message through the messenger system.



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Day 85 Plausible Earnings


Annnnnnnnnnnnnd we're back. Got a few requests wondering where our stats were at so here you go! As you can see, I haven't really been clicking any links, maybe 5 or so since the last update-- which is not very cool, I know.

16 more days to go. Do you guys think that I should extend the deadline? Just to give them a bit of a buffer? I would hate to plant a huge red "SCAM!" across the page, just to receive the money a day later. Tell me what you think in the comments

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Thursday, February 28, 2008

24 days left to go...


Yes, I am still alive. I must say I was genuinely touched by some readers concern with my personal safety.

Frankly, I just didn't know what to post. Things have just gotten really, really dry while we all just sit around waiting for the countdown to reach zero.

So here is what I was thinking, why I don't ask you guys what we can do to pass the time. If you have any ideas at all, then please just post in the comments below and I promise I will look at them. Help me keep this thing fresh!

Also, if you are feeling inclined, I made a widget for this blog HERE. Post it all over the internet!

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Sunday, February 10, 2008

Day 61: Plausible Earnings


My site has really risen up the google ranks recently. I am actually ranked 4th if you search for which makes me think that the people MUST read this.



It is in your best interest to pay me on time.

Your truly,


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Day 61: Problems With


Straight up: I don't think I am ever going to be paid. This whole thing with Paypal has left a real sour taste in my mouth and let me tell you something, I have already made up the big red splashy graphic that says "YES BUX.TO IS A SCAM" I am just waiting for that count down you see on the sidebar to hit zero before it goes up.

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Day 61: Ref Activity


Well I left the world of for 6 day and since it's been so long I thought that I would do the math for everyone so that you can all see what kind of clicks you can expect out of you refs right now during this "dark" age.

Also, has clarified the Paypal situation: Act like PayPal doesn't exist. That it never existed. I had to sign up for an AlertPay account which was a huge pain in the ass. Here's hoping doesn't fck that company over too!

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Monday, February 4, 2008

Day 55: Plausible Earnings


As I mentioned earlier, recently announced that they won't be using PayPal any more, which is unfortunate because that means the scale is tipping even further towards SCAM.

Honestly, I wish I could be in on the decision making over at just to see why they are making these boneheaded moves.

I Have Recived My Cash More Than 1 Year
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Day 55: Ref Activity


Annnnnnd-- We're back! Sorry for the long hiatus, but I was moving and I just got my internet up an running again. Well, things are on the down turn for my refs. Even my most devoted refs seem to be barely clicking anymore :(

I don't really blame them though cause recently made another bullshit announcement saying that starting in Feb they won't be sending payments through paypal and that anyone who wants their cash will have to sign up for ALERTPAY. gawwd.

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